Fatwa Darulifta Binoria

by Binoria IT Solutions



Dar-ul-Ifta and Qazaa have a key role to play in reaching out to the people of religious schools. Sharia courts are established in some parts of Pakistan. Taking advantage of these, the Muftis of Banuria University received regular training in arbitration, arbitration, ruling and jurisprudence from eminent judges of the country and judges of Sharia benches. Judicial status was given Dar-ul-Iftaa-e-Dar-ul-Iftaa-ul-Qaza started with a small, small room and has evolved rapidly into a large administrative setup and has gained prominence worldwide. At the present time, the Iftaa is divided into five major administrative units.Head DepartmentPublic Deal DepartmentSeminar of specializationComputer labSeminar Hall